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TWENTIES project: wind power for wide-area control of the grid

J.C. Pérez, C. Combarros, D. Rubio Miguel, R. Veguillas, M.J. Hermosa, I. Egido

10th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants, Aarhus (Dinamarca). 25-26 octubre 2011

Europe faces a great challenge with the 2020 scenario in which the renewable energy installed capacity in Europe should increase from its present value of approximately 80 GW to 230 GW in 2020. The future high penetration levels of wind and other renewable energies in the power system require decision makers and stakeholders of the electrical sector to work together to develop new ancillary services and to make the necessary changes to the grid infrastructure in Europe. This background is in line with the SYSERWIND demonstration lead by Iberdrola Renovables and included in the TWENTIES project, with three more partners taking part in this package: Red Eléctrica de España (REE), IIT and Gamesa Eólica. This paper introduces a first phase of preliminary work to define, install and test a Secondary Frequency Control and a Voltage Management System in a wide area, along a transport line.

Palabras clave: Demo, grid, project, wind, wide-area. active power control, reactive power control

Fecha de publicación: 2011-10-25.

J.C. Pérez, C. Combarros, D. Rubio Miguel, R. Veguillas, M.J. Hermosa, I. Egido, TWENTIES project: wind power for wide-area control of the grid, 10th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants, Aarhus (Dinamarca). 25-26 octubre 2011.

    Líneas de investigación:
  • *Régimen Permanente: Flujos de cargas, análisis de restricciones de operación, flujos de cargas óptimo, servicio complementario de control de tensiones, cortocircuitos, protecciones en redes de transporte y distribución, modelos térmicos de cables
  • *Control Automático de Generación: Diseño y ajuste de reguladores para el control automático de generación, identificación de modelos de unidades, servicios complementarios de regulación primaria y secundaria
  • *Estabilidad: Estabilidad de gran perturbación, ajuste de protecciones de deslastre de cargas por frecuencia, control de la excitación, estabilidad de pequeña perturbación, ajuste de estabilizadores del sistema de potencia, identificación de modelos de reguladores

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